Psychotherapy for trauma and post traumatic stress.

Elssa Martinez offers psychotherapy services in Montreal to survivors and witnesses of traumatic experience. As a psychotherapist, she understands the crippling effect of trauma and post-traumatic stress and how it can deeply impact emotional and physical health, as well our relation to the workd and to ohers.
Psychotherapy is well known for its effectiveness in facilitating healing from post-traumatic symptoms, whether therapy is begun soon after a trauma experience or even several years later. It's never too late...
Elssa Martinez is a psychotherapist that can accompany you in realizing a more satisfying and meaningful life by reducing the consequences of victimization and redefining the role and meaning that trauma has in your life.
If you or someone you know needs support in recovering from a traumatic life experience or post traumatic stress, Elssa Martinez is a Montreal psychotherapist that can help.


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  • 514-561-4132